Whoopi Goldberg has been co-hosting ABC’s “The View” since 2007, making her the longest serving member on the successful daytime show’s panel. However, the celebrated actor...
LeBron James, known for his poise both on and off the court, found himself at the center of an unexpected controversy during the Los Angeles Rams...
Ben Affleck was spotted spending Thanksgiving with his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their three children, Violet, 18, Seraphina, 15, and Samuel, 12, marking his first holiday...
Brad Pitt’s alleged domestic violence against Angelina Jolie and their kids continues to be a central focus of their French winery legal battle. A week...
Once the beloved couple of Hollywood, and now exes fighting for a payback, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been the talk of the town for...
Two companies have severed ties with UFC fighter Conor McGregor after an Irish court found him liable for assault following a sexual encounter with a woman...
In an unexpected twist of events, tech mogul Elon Musk, the man behind such groundbreaking ventures as SpaceX and Tesla, is pushing back against media giant...
In a shocking move that has captured the attention of the global sports community, Arab billionaire Turki Alalshikh has made a bold offer: he will provide...
In 2014, during an interview with Charlie Rose at the TED Conference, Google cofounder Larry Page made headlines with an unusual revelation. Page didn’t point to...
Taylor Swift broke down in tears onstage at Rogers Centre as she commemorated her sixth and last Eras Tour performance in Toronto on Saturday night. ...