If you truly admire her, then don’t just watch—join the movement and speak up. Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is a wife, a mother, and a powerful advocate for change. She shows us all how to use our voices for good. She’s a philanthropist, generous, and steadfast in her mission. Fearless and driven, she pursues her goals with passion. It’s no wonder a journalist in Nigeria called her “the voice of the voiceless, which must never be silenced.” So, what will you do to make your voice heard alongside hers?

If you truly admire her, then don’t just watch—join the movement and speak up. Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is a wife, a mother, and a powerful advocate for change. She shows us all how to use our voices for good. She’s a philanthropist, generous, and steadfast in her mission. Fearless and driven, she pursues her goals with passion. It’s no wonder a journalist in Nigeria called her “the voice of the voiceless, which must never be silenced.” So, what will you do to make your voice heard alongside hers?